Deciding on ideal training materials is indispensableto deliver exceptional education and ensuring accordance with educational standards. For Training Organisations (RTOs) across the nation, it's vital to know what to look for in instructional materials and the diverse elements that advanceyour teaching initiatives. This guide provides tips into no… Read More

Overview of Assessment ValidationRegistered Training Organisations are responsible for many tasks post-registration, like annual statements, AVETMISS data submission, and advertising compliance. Among these tasks, assessment validation is particularly challenging. While validation has been reviewed in multiple articles, let's revisit the fundamenta… Read More

Overview of Assessment ValidationRegistered Training Organisations (RTOs) are responsible for multiple tasks following registration, such as annual declarations, AVETMISS data submission, and advertising compliance. Among these tasks, validating assessments often stands out. While validation has been covered in many discussions, a review of the bas… Read More

OverviewForming a Registered Training Organisation in AU involves thorough compliance and compliance with the guidelines of the national regulatory body. This guide intends to explain the requirements to aid starters grasp how to become an RTO, manage the registration process, and guarantee compliance with the national regulatory body.Important Ste… Read More